Difference Between Content Spinning and Content Repurposing

Creating high-quality content is essential for any business or individual looking to establish a strong online presence. With so much content available on the internet, it’s important to ensure that the content you produce is unique, valuable, and engaging. This is where content spinning and content repurposing come into play.

Content spinning refers to the practice of using software to generate multiple versions of an article by replacing words and phrases with synonyms. While it may seem like a quick and easy way to produce a lot of content, it often leads to low-quality, nonsensical articles that can harm a brand’s reputation and result in penalties from search engines.

On the other hand, content repurposing involves taking existing content and transforming it into new formats or mediums, such as turning a blog post into a video or creating an infographic based on an article. This approach allows you to reach new audiences and extend the lifespan of your content.

What is Article Spinning? – Know 2 types of Spinning

Article spinning is the process of rewriting a content and rewriting an article to avoid the problem of duplicate content. Duplicate content gets a penalty from Google, so users resort to spinning to avoid this penalty and count it in good SEO techniques.

When you write an article and post it on your website or any other website, it gets a good rank in a few days, but if we post the same article on more websites then it is considered as duplicate content. Because the search engine has already detected that this article belongs to the website which did the first time posting, so it ignores it and does not give ranking.

Google used to manually remove duplicate content earlier, but now it downgrades the website with duplicate content and if possible, gives a special warning message so that you can avoid the penalty of duplicate content. When we get such a type of message or ranking going down then we should remove duplicate content soon.

At present, people have also found a solution to avoid duplicate content and that solution is article spinning, in which the meaning is the same as in the original content, but the words explained in it are different.

Why is Article Spinning used?

Generally article spinning is used as a shortcut so that hours are not spent on writing new content. It is also used to avoid duplicate content and plagiarism, which can save you from the penalty of black hat SEO methods by Google.

Most writers can naturally use article spinning to avoid plagiarism . While researching a topic we don’t just want to do a copy of the material from which we have learned, our knowledge may not be enough to be able to write independently on a topic then this spinning comes in handy.

For example, when a student was asked to write on a topic, but he can understand the topic but cannot write, because the word he will use is already on the internet, then the student can use a spinning tool. Will do it so that the teachers don’t get to know.

If I explain it in my own words, then content spinning is a kind of theft and in the coming time very good tools will be available on the internet to detect it, after that any such content will be counted in Black hat SEO technique. But remember this spinning has started to be counted in Black hat SEO technique in today’s time.

Why is Content Spinning considered as Black Hat SEO?

While writing content, you should think about UX (User Experience) because if the content is poor and there is shady corner cutting then it is considered black hat. You will create content using any tool or software, but it should not come in anyone’s search and it will become meaningless for SERP.

Now you will be in a situation where you will probably get thousands of such results where already thousands of such content will be lying on the internet and their ranking will probably not happen, if you will also post such content then in the eyes of all of us this Black Hat SEO technique Is.

Google also keeps updating its algorithms again and again so that it can remove such content from the search engine, because it wants to give the right content to its users so that users can be satisfied with the right information and you also post fresh content so that you can get ranking.

How many types of Content Spinning are there?

After writing fresh content, you can rewrite the content in two ways as mentioned below:

Automatic Spinning

You can use automatic spinning tools as an automatic manner. Whenever you type a word, it will spin but its meaning will be different and it will be considered spammy. Automatic spinning will completely spoil your content, it will not be of any use to the users and you will not even know what you are writing.

Manual Spinning

You have to manually spin the content, you can write a good unique article according to your mind and if you pay attention to the words then it will not be recognized as spam.

Let me tell you that you cannot become a good blogger by Spinning Articles and you can move forward in the world of Blogging, so you always write Unique Content so that we all get good information and you should know that Content Spinning is Black Hat SEO. Technique is considered.

So on the other hand,

Content repurposing is without a doubt an important factor that needs to be considered in your SEO and content marketing plan.

After all, this reuse is one of the most efficient ways to get the most out of your created content.

That is, content for SEO does not need to have an “end point” only on one platform. A video can become an article, which can become an Instagram post, which can become a live class for your followers, and so on.

What is content repurposing for SEO?

One of the things I notice most about certain content strategies is the lack of depth when it comes to taking advantage of an idea. Often a basic content idea can generate countless other opportunities for you to position your company online.

So I suggest you start considering repurposing content for SEO and content marketing ASAP! After all, a simple post on your social network can yield a lot of other associated content, more in-depth and complete.

This is just one example, but it can be applied to countless other media.

Therefore, I separated three ways to reuse the content. See how to start putting this into practice today. See below:

  • How to reuse video content;
  • How to reuse article content;
  • How to repurpose content from social media.
  • How to reuse video content?

Repurposing content for SEO is amazing. That’s because you have many opportunities to build your organic presence on Google in a fantastic way.

If you already produce videos for your YouTube channel or social media, know that these videos have enormous potential for reuse, since you can turn them into a full text article on the topic addressed in the video.

This article, once published on your company’s website, will start to rank on Google. In a short time, potential customers will come to you through this article, starting from a Google search.

Potential customers, those who wouldn’t reach you if there wasn’t a reuse of content from the video you initially made on your YouTube channel or social media.

How to repurpose article content?

Yes, I know you already have some great ideas for repurposing video materials and content . But if you still don’t have videos ready and you don’t know where to start, reuse can help you again!

That is, if you already produce content on your company’s blog or website, know that this content has a huge potential to be reused in other formats and media.

Therefore, I suggest you turn these articles into social media posts and even videos for your YouTube channel!

If you don’t want to appear in the videos, that’s okay. In this case, you can even voice over excerpts from the article or even the entire article and turn it into a video with images of your product, service or company.

And then, you can still put this video in your article – which ends up helping a lot with your page’s ranking and SEO factors!

How to reuse content from social media?

For those who have neither a blog nor a YouTube channel, there is still an alternative for reusing content! After all, you can use the content you already produce on your social media (Instagram and Facebook) and turn it into deeper content.

This way you will reuse the content in an even more strategic way. This is because you can rank this content on Google and YouTube and thus attract new potential customers who may not be on your social media.

What's Better: Fresh Content or Repurposed Content for SEO?

If you still see content reuse as a bad practice, I want to show you that, in fact, it’s not quite there.

After all, repurposing does not mean replicating content. But yes, it means taking a theme and building even more subjects around it.

So let’s clarify what’s better: new content or repurposed content.

I have separated three topics that will help you understand better:

  • Google loves fresh content;
  • Content for SEO must always be updated;
  • New insights can emerge with content reuse.

Google loves fresh content
I can’t help but say that, for Google, new content is something amazing. Yes, Google loves new content and it will always look favorably on those who produce content with recurrence and quality.

So, even if you are going to address the repurposing strategy I am proposing in this article, that doesn’t mean you should stop producing new content, okay?

However, remember: if you have a video on YouTube and you are going to turn it into an article on your blog, this is still new content for your website! The best example is this article you are reading, it used to be a video on YouTube and now it is also an article and can also become a post on a social network and who knows a podcast episode!

Content for SEO should always be up to date

SEO is a constant, regular and perennial practice of maintenance. That is, you cannot create a page, optimize it once and leave it forever without any updates.

In the same way that Google likes new content to enhance your site’s SEO, it also likes updated content, with new information and added content.

New insights can emerge with content reuse

And finally, one of the biggest benefits of repurposing content is the amount of insights you can gain from this practice. This stems from the fact that you can come up with a ton of new content ideas simply by repurposing old content.

You will end up realizing that you can add something here, something there and, when you see it, you already have a new idea for new content.

So, did you like the content reuse ideas? Count on me to help you in this marathon (and not a 100m run) which is the production and maintenance of content for SEO and marketing!

Now we can see the difference between the content spinning and content repurposing

  • Content spinning involves using software to create multiple versions of the same content by replacing words or phrases with synonyms or alternate phrases, whereas content repurposing involves taking existing content and modifying it to create new content in a different format or for a different audience.
  • Content spinning is generally considered a black hat SEO technique because it can result in low-quality content that is not useful to readers, whereas content repurposing is a legitimate strategy for improving the value of existing content.
  • Content spinning is often used to create content for link-building purposes or to fill out a website with content quickly, whereas content repurposing is more commonly used to create new content for marketing or educational purposes.
  • Content spinning can result in duplicate content, which can harm a website’s search engine rankings, whereas content repurposing can improve a website’s search engine rankings by creating high-quality, useful content.
  • Content spinning is often done automatically using software, whereas content repurposing requires a more manual approach to ensure that the new content is unique and valuable.
  • Content spinning is generally used to create large volumes of low-quality content quickly, whereas content repurposing is a more time-consuming process that results in higher-quality, more valuable content.
  • Content spinning is often used by spammers to create low-quality content for link building or to fill out websites with content quickly, whereas content repurposing is a legitimate strategy used by marketers to create valuable content for their audience.
  • Content spinning can result in content that is difficult to read or understand, whereas content repurposing focuses on creating high-quality content that is useful and easy to understand.
  • Content spinning can result in content that is not relevant to the target audience or topic, whereas content repurposing ensures that the new content is relevant and useful to the target audience.
  • Content spinning is often viewed as a shortcut or quick fix, whereas content repurposing requires a more thoughtful and strategic approach to ensure that the new content is valuable and effective.

Let us fetch to the conclusion

As we come to the end of our discussion on content spinning and content repurposing, it’s clear that there are both benefits and drawbacks to each approach. While content spinning may seem like an easy way to generate more content, it often leads to low-quality and unoriginal content that can ultimately harm a brand’s reputation. On the other hand, content repurposing allows you to breathe new life into your existing content, making it more engaging and relevant to your audience. By transforming your content into different formats or mediums, you can reach new audiences and extend the lifespan of your content, ultimately maximizing its value and impact. When it comes to content creation, it’s important to focus on quality over quantity, and to always be mindful of your audience’s needs and interests. So, whether you choose to spin or repurpose your content, always prioritize creating content that provides value and resonates with your audience.

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